Hvac Agent / My Open Jobs, LLC

HVAC contractors should have a good year if McGraw-Hill’s forecast holds true.

McGraw-Hill Construction is predicting a strong 2014 for the Non Residential sector with a forecast of almost a 6% increase and an 8% increase in 2015. They also forecast a 10.3% increase in Commercial for this year and 10.8% in 2015.21162953_sAlso, a recent poll of leaders in the HVAC industry indicated strong optimism for 2014 business, which could bode well for hvac contractors nationwide.

In fact, of the 1000 surveyed, 79% were positive about the coming year’s business climate with 21% coming in with only ‘fair’ expectations

Last year, the optimism was registering 70% with about 3% saying they anticipated a dip in the economy.

The driving factor for this rosy outlook is the ‘bullish’ attitude toward sales for this year. Thirty-two percent of those surveyed said they already experienced a growth spurt a bit beyond 10%.

Some of the sectors named as likely to experience continued growth included the “healthcare industry, commercial and data center markets.”

Furthermore, 58% of the respondents expected ‘heavy commercial’ to shine; manufacturing prospects were also given a robust rating by 53% of those surveyed.

What are some of the prevailing issues in the marketplace? Overseeing install costs and overall product ‘reliability’ continue to be upfront concerns. Trending, too, are areas affecting energy management (54% of the Expo exhibits focused on energy-efficient products.) Also, an ongoing priority in this industry is the commitment to significantly reduce the ‘carbon footprint’ of a customer’s project.

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